For the inexperienced wet shaver, getting accustomed to the basic techniques of shaving can take some time. One of the most important techniques critical to the process of shaving with a safety razor includes the concept of letting the razor do the work.
The standard process of cartridge shaving includes the need to provide a bit of leverage against the blade so it can appropriately cut the hairs on the face. Not so with a safety razor.
This is actually one of the flaws of cartridge razor. Yes, the lubrication strip and the pivoting head allow you to push harder, but you also may find that unless you push hard, the blade tugs and pulls at some of the longer hairs.
The highest quality safety razors are properly-weighted like a sword. The handle and head are properly balanced to ensure you maintain control of the angle of the razor head and you can let the razor glide down your face and ultimately do the lion’s share of the work.
Less expensive and improperly weighted safety razors may require shavers to provide a little coaxing when it comes to putting pressure on the blade. That’s the difference between spending maybe $30 on your safety razor and $200.
So, whether it’s your first pass at your very first safety razor shave or your 1,256th shave on your third pass, an appropriate shave let’s the razor and gravity do most of the work.